- Find a way to do what you enjoy before retirement!
- There’s no guarantee you will live until retirement
- You might not “like” retirement – it could be a hard adjustment after a lifetime of 40 hourworkweeks
- A “mini-retirement” is taking off 1 to 6 months every couple of years to take a break!
- Test what you think you will want to do in retirement
- May have to switch jobs more often if your employer isn’t supportive
- If you have the right job (like an IT contractor), you can make a year’s worth of salary in six months
- Consider taking a “gap year” between HS and college or in-between jobs
- Check and see if your company has a “leave of absence” or a “sabbatical” policy
- Slow travel – if you have the opportunity to work remotely, you can spend more time in a city and really get to know it.
- Our sweet (deceased) dog, Brodie, that we took with us on all of our slow travel – https://instagram.com/brodiethebordercollie
- Our Trip to Oregon
- Four Hour Work Week
- Should You Take a Mini- Retirement
- Ravi Raman

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